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What is microcopy?

Microcopy refers to the small amounts of copy on products. We use it everywhere on our interfaces, from the label on a call to action button to the placeholder text in form input fields.

Even though these small text clusters do not take up much space on our products, they are a driving force and make a significant difference—they are responsible for shaping a significant portion of the user experience.

What makes good microcopy?

Good microcopy is brief and to-the-point. It's straightforward and simple.

Awareness of users' needs and goals is crucial, as is focusing on the user journey—where is the user at this point? Where were they? What's next? Good microcopy considers product and user goals and helps achieve them.

Good microcopy should be conversational and charming, on-brand, and user-focused. The experience should be delightful and clever.

How do I craft microcopy?

I'm following Getir's unofficial voice and tone guideline that developed over the years. We are currently working on the official version and hope to release the first version in the coming months.

I keep my writing conversational—open and inviting. I use everyday, simple words that users will recognize.

When I write a sentence or label a CTA, I make sure it helps users get somewhere and does not create a dead end within the product.

Project: GetirWater

Challenge: The checkout messages in GetirWater weren’t clear enough to help user navigate the errors that they were receiving. With the Product Manager we decided to change the error messages in a more clear and user-friendly way to guide them through the error.

My role: Editing the existing error messages and creating user friendly error messages.

Solution and my thought process: The messages that were written before lacked the humane touch of the language. They weren’t complaint with the tone we have in Getir. After deciding on the tone I changed the error message component by identifying the problem and then guiding the user for a solution.

Project: GetirFood

Challenge: When ordering from GetirFood there was a build up with the customer service for note changes, delivery hour changes or other issues with the order. With designer, product manager and the CX team we came up with a solution the contact the restaurant if necessary.

My role: I needed to create copies for connecting the restaurant button and microcopies related to inform what the user will be doing.

Solution and my thought process: I created a CTA to call the restaurant and clarified what the button is for. If they wanted to call the restaurant, we needed to inform the users that their phone number will be visible to the restaurant. When delivering this kind of a sensitive issue, I chose the words that wouldn’t alarm the users but inform them at the same time.

Rating and Review

Challenge: Users were giving stars but not leaving comments after placing an order. The interesting thing is that we know that 60% of our users read restaurant reviews before choosing one. So, why isn't there more engagement in a highly read space?

My role: My task here was to make the comment section more interesting. I was thinking about our users' restaurant experiences while doing this. When you go to a good restaurant, none of the waiters will approach you and say, "You can leave a comment." Customizing the experience was my starting point.

Solution and my thought process: I recalled an experience that was either extremely negative or extremely positive. I've sketched out the questions the restaurant will ask while waiting for a response from me. Even though we are not the restaurant, GetirFood will go to any length to ensure that our users have the best experience possible. This is a continuous flow that begins when you order food and ends when you finish the meal. Because it is strange in real life to use the same sentence in every situation, it should be strange in an application as well. I transformed the copies after each star to increase interaction. Our rate of receiving comments increased by 35% as a result of these changes.

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