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Onboarding Flow of the Handshake App

What was the project?

Handshake App was in its early design process after the initial user research. So as the UX Writer on the team I had a great advantage to contribute. The designer did their best on the project but there were some aspects to consider like the missing flow and the copy decisions.

How did I start?

The design was in its initial process. The business team haven’t decided on some major decisions yet. The copies weren’t prepared and there wasn’t a style guide to lead the team while preparing and assessing the copy. That’s why I started with the style guide to help the team with Handshake’s language.

What did I learn?

Solo projects are not realistic in terms of deadlines, your team, business decisions and other stakeholders that you haven’t considered. It also keeps you second guess your decisions since you don’t cross check with your team. This project was helpful to stand by my decisions and figure out the best outcome with the sources I had.

Challenge: Handshake is a pseudo app for the final project of the Fundamentals of UX Writing course by the UX Content Collective. On this app, there wasn’t an onboarding flow for the first time users. Sign in flow was missing. The content wasn’t ready and it needed a (to put it politely) re-touch.

My role: My responsibility here was to understand how to organize the flow, the copy, and the tone of voice. The app doesn't just consist of onboarding. It has every step from onboarding to pay the freelancers and also get paid by the business owner.

Solution and my thought process: First, I asked for any research that had been done. The user research team had the persona documents for me to review and learn our audience. Before going into the UI copy, I created a mini Style Guide for the Handshake app. I looked at the apps for freelancers and came up with a benchmark file. With the benchmark study, I was able to create a flow and I completed the missing steps for the happy path. From that I added the necessary onboarding pages and re-written the copy according the Style Guide.

Figma Flow:

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